Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Watcher
Why do we do this? I have no idea. Steph feels bad leaving Bailey at home alone that long, so we're buying friends for our little girl. This dog has a nanny, folks, she's enrolled in doggy kindergarten, and I can only imagine what comes next. Is there a dog equivalent of a Florida 529 plan? If there is, I'd like to know, so I can get a jump on it. They say its never too early to start thinking about college. My spoiled little puppy may want to be a scholar one day.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Life's A Beach
At any rate, it came time to go for a walk, and we had to make a choice. Walk on the sidewalk and risk getting caught and kicked out of the hotel, or try out the beach. Naturally, we chose the beach. I was a bit worried that Bailey was going to cover herself in sand, but we went that direction anyway.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
LDtL: Tebow Edition
Just like her parents, Bailey hates Tim Tebow. I was reading the latest Sports Illustrated, she took one look at it, and ripped the cover off. Guess who was on the cover? Yep, ole' number 15 himself.
The first thing she did was rip his face off....literally. Wow!
...moving on to chew up the uni.
The aftermath. Bailey doesn't take kindly to the "Gator Chomp." She probably gets that from her mom. There was a story about a five year old several years back, but this blog is strictly PG rated, so it won't be told here. Just let it be known that neither Bailey, nor Steph, will tolerate that kind of behavior.
I Love Trips
Catching Up
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Layin' Down at the Law Office
One thing lunch made me realize about myself is that I am just as neurotic a parent as Stephanie. With Bailey and her carrier, I brought a baby bag full of puppy wipes, treats, her leash, water bowl, a few toys, and trash bags. Not a single item in the bag was used, most weren't necessary in any situation that could have happened that day. Yet, I brought them all, thinking that Bailey's lunchtime outing might not be perfect without them. I wonder how I'm going to react to a two legged child. Babysitting, child-care, bad friends, and public school are some of my biggest fears, and babies are still years away. Hopefully, Bailey will continue to teach me these kind of things about myself, and I won't be the worst parent ever.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Dr. Angstrom says War Eagle
Sunday, January 11, 2009
When do they start sleeping through the night?
I haven't slept the past two nights. While I know its not the same, bringing home Bailey has been a lot like bringing home a new baby. She doesn't sleep through the night, and the majority of the attention we give her involves food or bathroom issues. That being said, she's a wonderful addition to our family, and we love her.
The biggest confusion I have is why she can't sleep all night. If there's one thing this dog knows how to do at this point, it's sleep. I've taken no less than 50 pictures of her napping (part of that is, she's always napping, part of it involves my obsession with documenting her ever moment- another reason I think she's like a new baby).Yesterday, we took her shopping with for her, of course.
The first store, PetSmart, she was carried around in her fancy dog bag by me. She was good, didn't make a noise, and seemed pretty relaxed, despite the loud pet noises and constant people peeping in her bag making loud squeely noises (strangers make odd noises in the presence of a cute new puppy). On to the second store, For Footed Friends. Steph decided to carry her in this store, and low and behold, Bailey passes right out in her arms. Steph walked around cradling her on her back, people petting her, commotion all around, and Bailey lays there, the whole time with her eyes close. Steph compared it to her father sleeping in Synagogue, out for the count without a care in the world. So, why, if she can fall asleep at a moments notice, can she not stay asleep for more than a couple of hours at night? It baffles me.
Other notes:
* She's doing very good with the outside bathroom thing. We're probably a little better than 75% right now, far better than I expected two days in.
* There's a bit of nipping issue. I don't mind it so much right now, but her teeth are sharp, and I don't want it to be a long term thing. I know it's just puppy play, so hopefully we can start curbing this soon.
*She's a fantastic traveler. The car puts her right to sleep, and she hasn't minded getting carried around stores or meeting new people the last two days. I can't wait to see how she does with the trek to Jacksonville next week.
*This dog is built to explore and hunt. Fascinating to watch the wheels turn.
*If you're ever in Naples, check out that For Footed Friends place. Granola-Hippy store for dogs. Everything's all natural, and the staff is the coolest set of tree hugging pet lovers ever.
*If you can't tell by the pictures, she is tiny. I think she's around four pounds at this point, and can't even thing about walking though the tall St.Augustine grass in our neighborhood. She moves by a series of leaps and pounces.
Here are some more random pictures to enjoy.
Playing at bedtime
Full on vermin attacker...and she loves my Auburn blanket
Who doesn't love a good belly rub?
I look happy, but inside I'm thinking that her chewing is really painful.
Little Bailey discovers the back of the couch.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Coming Home
Deposits were sent, contracts were signed, payments were sent, and she technically became ours. Nancy added blurb to her website showing our little girl as taken, and that she would be "Layin' down the Law in Naples, FL."
Since it's been Steph's dream, and she did the legwork, primary naming rights belonged to her. She decided on Bailey, the last name of Boss and Champ, two prolific former UGA football players. I got to pick a name that will never be used, except in the papers we send into the AKC, and decided on Jordan (pronounced Jerden), after Shug Jordan, the famous Auburn football coach. So it was set, and all we had to do was wait.
The week she was supposed to arrive, we got a call from Nancy, letting us know she would be in Friday, a day earlier than expected. Since Stephanie had literally been counting down the days for at least a month, this extra day excited her, and she let out an excited squeal in her office. Everything was in order and we eagerly awaited her arrival at Delta Cargo. We tracked her online all day, from initial boarding in Arkansas, to a connection in Atlanta, to arrival in Ft.Myers. At last, Bailey was home.
She got out of the car, and did her business outside. YES! One for one. Our timid little puppy came in, did some exploring, did some inside business (dang, she's not perfect), and got used to us. It was amazing how quickly she went from scared, timid little puppy at the airport, to part of our pack. After a strong play session with every one of her new toys, she snuggled up on the couch with Steph and passed out. Literally, no warning, one second bouncy, tail wagger, the next eyes closed snoring. Funniest thing I've ever seen.
Finally, time to relax. I woke my two ladies up, and we headed towards the bedroom. Naturally, you wake a puppy, up, and it is no longer tired. We put her on the bed to wind back down, until she tried to fall asleep again. Since we're crate training her, into her carrier she went. Boy, did she not like that! I can imagine. First night away from home, no other dogs around, when there had always been several to snuggle with, and now you're stuck in this little dark box all alone. Yeah, I'd have a problem with that scenario, too. At that moment, though, we realized how loud a tiny little dog like her could whine. There's no way I'm sleeping tonight, I thought. Finally I realized that snapping my fingers distracted her, and eventually she laid down and passed out...for two hours.
One a.m., more whining, outside she goes to do what puppies do. Back in the crate, she cried herself to sleep in a matter of a couple of minutes. 3:45 am. More of the same. 7 am, guess its time to get up for the day. I'm exhausted, but we're at a better than 60% success rate with inside to outside bathroom duty, so I guess everything is going okay. We love her, and she seems to think we're okay as a replacement pack.
my apologies for the fuzzy camerphone images. The camera and video camera are both charged and ready to go for the future.