Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Layin' Down at the Law Office

I dropped off a package at the vet's office. Unlike the movies, I didn't leave it on the doorstep on fire.

Then, Bailey and I went to Steph's office for lunch. Everyone at the law firm apparently wanted to see her. We went in and got attacked. She was snatched out of the carrier at the door, and everyone fell in love with he like we did the first time we saw her. I guess puppies have that effect. Through it all, she was her cool, calm self. I swear, this dog is the reincarnated form of Authur Fonzarelli. Everything is taken in stride, puppy zen style. After introductions, we wandered across the street to Altin's Cafe. Apparently, acting cool is had work, because Bailey laid down in her carrier and fell asleep, despite the hustle and bustle that is Fifth Avenue South during season in Naples.

One thing lunch made me realize about myself is that I am just as neurotic a parent as Stephanie. With Bailey and her carrier, I brought a baby bag full of puppy wipes, treats, her leash, water bowl, a few toys, and trash bags. Not a single item in the bag was used, most weren't necessary in any situation that could have happened that day. Yet, I brought them all, thinking that Bailey's lunchtime outing might not be perfect without them. I wonder how I'm going to react to a two legged child. Babysitting, child-care, bad friends, and public school are some of my biggest fears, and babies are still years away. Hopefully, Bailey will continue to teach me these kind of things about myself, and I won't be the worst parent ever.

1 comment:

  1. You are hilarious! Looking forward to reading more about the life of Bailey, and can't wait to meet her!
