Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Watcher

Bailey has a new au pair. Well, not exactly. She's just a dog-walker, but she's still wonderful, and Bailey loves her. Two days a week, when I'm not home, Christy, the doggie au pair, comes and plays with Bailey, takes her on walks, and generally spoils her.

Why do we do this? I have no idea. Steph feels bad leaving Bailey at home alone that long, so we're buying friends for our little girl. This dog has a nanny, folks, she's enrolled in doggy kindergarten, and I can only imagine what comes next. Is there a dog equivalent of a Florida 529 plan? If there is, I'd like to know, so I can get a jump on it. They say its never too early to start thinking about college. My spoiled little puppy may want to be a scholar one day.


  1. dude, we treated Sully exactly the same when we first got him. he's definitely one spoiled pooch, as is Beasley. gotta love it. sully loves the beach too. gotta get that video on my blog at some point. hilarious.

  2. I'm sorry, but that's freakin' cute. Kudos to you guys for being amazing, loving, sweet, wonderful parents!

  3. Thanks Julia!

    Scottie B, they still turned out okay, right? I'm worried about "over-spoiling" her.
